The Sharing Economy (Part 2)

(Let’s hope that you read Part 1!)

To continue along the lines of Rachel Botsman’s TedTalk….

We are ushering in a new era of trust among strangers in the digital age.  As you can imagine, reputation is key.  It facilitates the collaborative economy.  So, how can we capitalize on reputation?

Everyone leaves their trace on the internet, whether through their social media or other online marketplace interactions (Ebay, Airbnb, etc…).  At Coride, we leverage this digital equity so that users may get to know each other before choosing to coride.  

Ridesharing.  It’s more than just a monetary transaction and exchange of services- it’s a social interaction.

When users sign up on, they have the option of linking their profile with their Facebook account.  They may also write reviews of other coriders to further build reputation.  By creating a more holistic user profile, riders and drivers are more likely to gain each other’s trust.   In the end, this will broaden the greater Coride community!